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패션사진가 Viktorija Pashuta가 해석한, 만약 소셜미디어를 남자가 입는 다면?

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What if Guys Were Social Networks - Creative Photo Shoot by Viktorija Pashuta

Finally I had a chance to create a Part II of my first viral photo series ‘What If Girls Were Internet Browsers’, new project called ‘What If Guys Were Social Networks’. It is a concept fashion photo shoot depicting the idea of what popular social networks would look like if they were actually human.

With the age of social media and its influence on everyday life, we feel its direct presence and necessity to use these channels as the source of communication and sharing the content. While socializing with friends, relatives, and colleges online, the actual online platforms sort of became ‘alive’. And then I thought what would of happened if I tried to humanize well known social networks.  The idea was not only to use the social media logos as a visual reference, but to transfer their qualities and usability functions into human character portrayed through fashion.

Even though they share very similar functions and features, each social network has its own character and style: Facebook depicted as casual, Twitter as classic, Pinterest as creative, LinkedIn as Business, Instagram as vintage, Flickr as artsy, Tumblr as hip and Google +as innovative.

By combining the visual elements of the logos, I then casted the models that will carry the ‘spirit’ of the social platforms and represent their essence. It may be subjective, but this is exactly how I imagined the networks would look like if they stepped down from the computer screens to the streets. Working closely with the wardrobe stylist, Editor in Chief of Vanichi magazine and one of the models (featured as Instagram) – together we finalized these looks, making sure we haven’t overlooked any important details to make these characters believable. Even their personalities somehow appeared to be matching the ‘soul’ of the networks: Tumblr (modeled by Daniel) was very hip and cool, Google + (modeled by Taejung) was super energetic, Facebook (modeled by Mazlow) – was a freshman out of high school, etc”.  

Photographer Viktorija Pashuta
Stylist Jordan Anthony Swain
Grooming & Hair Barbara Yniguez
Models: Vu, Jordan, Mazlow, Taejung, Daniel, Adam, Kenny and Skyler

- See more at: http://pashutaphotography.blogspot.com/#sthash.cH5EIGgA.dpuf































































출처 : http://pashutaphotography.blogspot.com/ 







26 stormwatch 2016.02.15 21:36  
핀터와 텀블 그리고 플리커의 광팬으로써 그쪽으로 눈길이 확 가는군요^^
6 망부석 2016.02.15 23:35  
텀블러는 뭔가 음흉하군요... 흠흠
9 주영아빠 2016.02.17 11:43  
텀블러는 야한사진이 많이 올라오긴 하더라고요 ^^
17 이성현 2016.02.22 11:14  
재밌네요 ㅎㅎ